Daylight saving 2025.
Move the clock one hour forward / backwards?
Check this page when the clock must be set one hour forward or backward in 2025.Year | Days to go | Start DST One hour forward at 02:00 a.m. to 03:00 a.m. One hour less = So you can sleep one hour less! |
2025 | - | In the night of Saturday, March 8, 2025 on Sunday, March 9, 2025 |
2026 | 348 | In the night of Saturday, March 7, 2026 on Sunday, March 8, 2026 |
2027 | 719 | In the night of Saturday, March 13, 2027 on Sunday, March 14, 2027 |
2028 | 1083 | In the night of Saturday, March 11, 2028 on Sunday, March 12, 2028 |
2029 | 1447 | In the night of Saturday, March 10, 2029 on Sunday, March 11, 2029 |
2030 | 1811 | In the night of Saturday, March 9, 2030 on Sunday, March 10, 2030 |
2031 | 2175 | In the night of Saturday, March 8, 2031 on Sunday, March 9, 2031 |
2032 | 2546 | In the night of Saturday, March 13, 2032 on Sunday, March 14, 2032 |
2033 | 2910 | In the night of Saturday, March 12, 2033 on Sunday, March 13, 2033 |
2034 | 3274 | In the night of Saturday, March 11, 2034 on Sunday, March 12, 2034 |
2035 | 3638 | In the night of Saturday, March 10, 2035 on Sunday, March 11, 2035 |
2036 | 4002 | In the night of Saturday, March 8, 2036 on Sunday, March 9, 2036 |
2037 | 4366 | In the night of Saturday, March 7, 2037 on Sunday, March 8, 2037 |
2038 | 4737 | In the night of Saturday, March 13, 2038 on Sunday, March 14, 2038 |
2039 | 5101 | In the night of Saturday, March 12, 2039 on Sunday, March 13, 2039 |
Days to go | End Daylight saving One hour backward at 03:00 02:00 a.m. One hour more = So you can sleep one hour more! |
222 | In the night of Saturday, November 1, 2025 on Sunday, November 2, 2025 |
586 | In the night of Saturday, October 31, 2026 on Sunday, November 1, 2026 |
957 | In the night of Saturday, November 6, 2027 on Sunday, November 7, 2027 |
1321 | In the night of Saturday, November 4, 2028 on Sunday, November 5, 2028 |
1685 | In the night of Saturday, November 3, 2029 on Sunday, November 4, 2029 |
2049 | In the night of Saturday, November 2, 2030 on Sunday, November 3, 2030 |
2413 | In the night of Saturday, November 1, 2031 on Sunday, November 2, 2031 |
2784 | In the night of Saturday, November 6, 2032 on Sunday, November 7, 2032 |
3148 | In the night of Saturday, November 5, 2033 on Sunday, November 6, 2033 |
3512 | In the night of Saturday, November 4, 2034 on Sunday, November 5, 2034 |
3876 | In the night of Saturday, November 3, 2035 on Sunday, November 4, 2035 |
4240 | In the night of Saturday, November 1, 2036 on Sunday, November 2, 2036 |
4604 | In the night of Saturday, October 31, 2037 on Sunday, November 1, 2037 |
4975 | In the night of Saturday, November 6, 2038 on Sunday, November 7, 2038 |
5339 | In the night of Saturday, November 5, 2039 on Sunday, November 6, 2039 |