Saturday, March 22, 2025
(Week 12)

Leap years

See all leap years between 2025 and 2100.

When it's a leap year?

A leap year is a year with 366 days instead of 365; every 4 years in February one extra day is added. This is done because one year doesn't contain 365 days but 365.25 days. By adding once in the 4 years one extra additional day this problem is solved.

Any year that is divisible by 4 is a leap year, such as 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028.

Note: The above rule does not apply to century years.

Centuries such as 1900 and 2000 only have a leap day if they are divisible by 400.
1900 is divisible by 4 and also by 100, but not by 400, so not a leap year.
This means that centuries are only a leap year if they are divisible by 400.

So 1900 is not, 2000 is, 2100, 2200, 2300 is not, but 2400 is another leap year.

2016February 29, 2016
2020February 29, 2020
2024February 29, 2024
2028February 29, 2028
2032February 29, 2032
2036February 29, 2036
2040February 29, 2040
2044February 29, 2044
2048February 29, 2048
2052February 29, 2052
2056February 29, 2056
2060February 29, 2060
2064February 29, 2064
2068February 29, 2068
2072February 29, 2072
2076February 29, 2076
2080February 29, 2080
2084February 29, 2084
2088February 29, 2088
2092February 29, 2092
2096February 29, 2096
